The Railroad Crossing
Stock Buildings

    Check out our supply of in-stock buildings. We have a dozen different styles of homes including victorian , modern and even houses under construction ! Commercial buildings include a streetfront, lumber yard, hotel, churches, factories, and a high rise. There are several types of barns and farm buildings and railroad structures.
    Each building is built from scratch and is constructed out of 1/8" plywood. Some buildings come on a landscaped base which extends approximately 1" out from the building. An access hole is provided for lighting and windows are treated with shades inside. (Removable roofs and detailed interiors are available upon request.)
    All models are available in "O" gauge (1/4" to the foot), "S" gauge (3/16" to the foot) and "G" Gauge (3/8" to the foot).

Around the Neighborhood...

Along the streets...

On the farm...

Time to accessorize...

Along the tracks...